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Contoh Soal Narrative Text Pilihan Ganda beserta Jawabannya
20 Mei 2023 17:25 WIB
waktu baca 3 menitTulisan dari Berita Terkini tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

Salah satu cara mempelajari bahasa Inggris adalah dengan memahami narrative text. Mengerjakan contoh soal narrative text pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya dapat membantu memahami narrative text bahasa Inggris. Narrative text adalah teks yang berisi cerita yang disusun secara kronologis.
Mengutip buku Textual Reading oleh Magdalena Br Marpaung (2021: 88), struktur narrative text antara lain terdiri dari orientation (informasi mengenai latar tempat, waktu, serta pengenalan karakter), order of events (urutan peristiwa), conflicts (konflik), penyelesaian (resolution), dan coda atau penutup.
Contoh Soal Narrative Text Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap
Manfaat narrative text di antaranya adalah meningkatkan kemampuan membaca teks bahasa Inggris dan mengenal kosakata baru. Berikut ini contoh soal narrative text pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya yang dikutip dari buku Bahas Tuntas 1001 Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP oleh Peni Larasati (2009: 142):
Narrative Text
The Ant and The Dove
An ant went to the river to get a drink. The water rushed along so fast that he washed off the bank into the river. The ant cried for help but his voice was so tiny so it could not be herd clearly.
A dove was sitting on the tree that overhung the water. The dove saw the ant struggling, and quickly nipped off a leaf and let it fall into the water. The ant climbed up upon the leaf and floated down the river until the leaf was washed upon the bank of stream.
The ant call out in his tiny voice, "thank you kind dove, you have saved my life." but of course the dove could not hear him.
Several days after this, the dove was again sitting on a tree,. A hunter crept carefully on the tree. His gun was pointed at the dove and when he was about to shoot the dove, his leg was bitten by an ant.
The hunter cried out with pain and dropped his gun. This frightened the dove and she flew away.
"Thank you kind ant", said the dove. The ant heard and he was glad.
Soal Pilihan Ganda
a. She struggled to free the ant.
b. She nipped off a leaf for the ant to climb upon.
c. She rushed along the river to help.
d. She sat and watched the ant to save his life
Jawaban: B
The word 'it' in that sentence referes to?
a. The ant's cry
b. The rough river
c. The floating leaf
d. The rushed water
Jawaban: A
a. A friend in need is a friend indeed
b. The higher you are the more you need others
c. The good man will not need other people help
d. The weaker the creature the brave it will be
Jawaban: A
a. The dove was killed by the hunter
b. The ant saved his own life from the danger
c. The ant and the dove helped each other
d. The hunter want to kill both creatures
Jawaban: C
Baca juga: 3 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris
Itulah contoh soal narrative text pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya. Semoga dapat membantu memahami narrative text dalam bahasa Inggris. (IND)