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Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 6: Offering Help
17 Juli 2023 18:02 WIB
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Materi pelajaran bahasa Inggris siswa kelas 12 di awal tahun ajaran adalah tema offering help. Tak mengherankan jika beberapa siswa mencari kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 6.
Kunci jawaban ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan koreksi. Dengan begitu, siswa dapat mengetahui mana yang benar dan mana yang perlu dipelajari lebih lanjut.
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 6
Dikutip dari buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII, Utami Widiati, dkk (2018), pada halaman 6 terdapat percakapan atau dialog tentang memberikan pertolongan atau offering help. Berikut ini pertanyaan dan jawaban yang dari materi tersebut.
1. Where do you think each conversation takes place?
2. What are the relationships between the speakers?
3. What are the functions of the underlined words?
Responses of expressions of offering of help/service.
4. What are the functions of the italicized words?
Expressions of offering help/service.
5. In Dialog 1, what does dr. Nahda say to help Fafa?
Dr. Nahda says, ‘What can I do for you?’, ‘What’s the problem?’ and ‘okay, let me check your stomach‘. He will check Fafa’s stomach.
6. Look at Dialog 2. What does Tania offer to the stranger? Does the stranger accept Tania’s offer? What does he say?
Tania offered information for the questions asked by the stranger. He accepted Tania’s information and he said thank you. Then proceed to buy the ticket he needed from Tania.
7. Who is offering help in Dialog 3? What does she say? Is the offer accepted?
Dhea is the one who offering a help. She said,”Would you need my help?”
But the offer was not accepted because Riza said she can do it by herself
8. In Dialog 4, what does Diana say to offer a help? Does Hamada accept or refuse the help? What does she say?
Hamada refuses the offer politely by saying, "Oh, it’s a very nice of you. But I'm going to do it with my sister. Thanks for the offer."
9. Write the patterns of offering help/services.
10. Write possible responses for offering help/services.
Itulah kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 6. Semoga penjelasan di atas dapat membantu untuk lebih memahami materi tentang offering help/service.(MZM)