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Vanished Anniversary Kunci Jawaban untuk Menyelesaikan Permainan

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Penulis kumparan
20 Desember 2023 21:25 WIB
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Ilustrasi Vanished Anniversary Kunci Jawaban. Foto: dok. Unsplash/Onur Binay
Ilustrasi Vanished Anniversary Kunci Jawaban. Foto: dok. Unsplash/Onur Binay
Vanished Anniversary kunci jawaban adalah panduan yang dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan dalam menyelesaikan permainan ini. Dengan kunci jawaban ini pemain dapat memenangkan permainan dengan cepat.
Dalam permainan Vanished Anniversary disajikan beberapa chapter sebagai level yang harus dilalui pemain. Masing-masing chapter tersebut perlu diselesaikan dengan baik agar dapat melanjutkan permainan ke level selanjutnya.

Vanished Anniversary Kunci Jawaban Chapter 1 dan Chapter 2

Ilustrasi Vanished Anniversary Kunci Jawaban. Foto: dok. Unsplash/Pandhuya Niking
Mengutip buku Kiat Mengatasi Perilaku Anak, Drs. Hendra Surya (2005:24) bermain game rupanya memiliki efek positif yaitu memberikan rasa rileks, melatih memecahkan masalah dengan menggunakan analisa, dan masih banyak lagi.
Salah satu game yang dapat dimainkan adalah Vanished Anniversary. Dalam permainan ini setiap pemain harus menyelesaikan beberapa chapter dengan tingkat kesulitan yang beragam. Berikut ini adalah Vanished Anniversary kunci jawaban untuk chapter 1 dan 2.

Chapter 1: Vanished Anniversary

Tap the cell phone and answer Justin’s call.
Move to Justin’s front door.
Passcode is the house number, 1201.
Find a cell phone at the balcony (drag right if you don’t have full view of the scene), under the low table.
None of your business. Never mind. (reduces heart)
Justin did it.
I don’t know. I don’t remember anything. (reduces heart)

Chapter 2: A Piece of Memory

Find Justin’s suicide note
Move to Justin’s living room.
For ending– A revenge, go to Aaron’s room and touch his desk 4 times until a choice comes up. Pick ‘Are you hiding something from me?’ then ‘Why are you overacting? You are more suspicious.’
In the Kitchen, search the plastic bag + receipt from convenience store
Search the drawer + Birthday card
Go to Justin’s room, use the tablet on the table. Passcode is his birthdate on the Birthday Card, 1210. Go to Internet, then search ‘Orount concert’ + Justin’s search history
Go the Picture app and tap on the latest photo with Ellie sleeping + Picture taken by Justin
Picture app, 3rd photo with someone behind Justin + Justin’s selfie at the concert
WhatsUp app, conversation with ‘(Undefined)’ + Suspicious message
Leave the tablet and check the books on the table + Concert ticket
Sparkle on his bed + An earring for women
Go to the balcony, where Sarah is now. Look at the bracelet on the floor next to the potted plant
Say I found a bracelet. (‘Hide the bracelet.’ for ENDING – Arrested.)
What is the evidence that
Pick a wrong answer for ENDING – Arrested
I wasn’t with Justin all night? – Suspicious message
I did not fabricate the message? – Picture taken by Justin
Justin went outside at dawn? – Receipt from convenience store
Justin was cheating on me? – An earring for women
Justin was lying? – Concert ticket
Justin went to the concert with a woman? – Justin’s selfie at the concert
Itu dia Vanished Anniversary kunci jawaban yang dapat dijadikan sebagai panduan mudah dalam menyelesaikan permainan. Selamat bermain. (DAP)