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25 Contoh Soal TOEFL dan Jawabannya

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Contoh Soal TOEFL. Foto: Unsplash/Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu
Contoh Soal TOEFL. Foto: Unsplash/Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu
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Contoh soal TOEFL dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran dan sumber belajar untuk menghadapi tes TOEFL. Biasanya, tes ini terdiri dari beberapa kategori.
Mengutip dari Jurnal Budimas, Tira Nur Fitria, (2020:173) TOEFL atau Test of English as a Foreign Language adalah suatu tes untuk mengukur kemampuan berbahasa Inggris orang yang bahasa induknya bukan Bahasa Inggris.
Tes ini umumnya dijadikan salah satu saringan oleh universitas dalam negeri (program pascasarjana) dan luar negeri, beberapa BUMN, dan beberapa perusahaan asing.

25 Contoh Soal TOEFL dan Jawaban berdasarkan kategori umumnya

Contoh Soal TOEFL. Foto: Pexels/Karolina Kaboompics
Berikut adalah contoh soal TOEFL beserta jawabannya, dibagi berdasarkan kategori umum dalam tes TOEFL.

Reading Comprehension

The Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon Rainforest is often referred to as the "lungs of the planet" because it produces approximately 20% of the world's oxygen. This vast rainforest is home to over 390 billion individual trees belonging to 16,000 different species.
It also houses a staggering number of wildlife, including various species of birds, mammals, insects, and amphibians. Despite its critical role in the global ecosystem, the Amazon Rainforest has been under threat for decades due to deforestation.
Large swaths of forest are being cleared for agriculture, particularly for cattle ranching and soybean farming.
The destruction of the rainforest has raised international concern due to the loss of biodiversity and the increase in carbon emissions.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2), and when they are cut down, this stored CO2 is released back into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.
International efforts to conserve the Amazon include establishing protected areas and promoting sustainable land use practices. However, these measures have been difficult to enforce due to economic pressures and illegal logging.
1. According to the passage, why is the Amazon Rainforest called the "lungs of the planet"?
A) It provides shelter to various species.
B) It absorbs large amounts of carbon dioxide.
C) It produces a significant portion of the world's oxygen.
D) It covers a vast portion of the Earth.
Answer: C
2. What is one of the main reasons for deforestation in the Amazon?
A) Urban development
B) Climate change
C) Agriculture, particularly cattle ranching and soybean farming
D) Scientific research
Answer: C
3. What can be inferred about the effects of deforestation on climate change?
A) Deforestation leads to a reduction in oxygen production.
B) The cutting of trees helps reduce carbon emissions.
C) Deforestation causes the release of stored CO2 into the atmosphere.
D) It has little to no effect on the global climate.
Answer: C
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A) The Amazon Rainforest is home to a wide variety of wildlife species.
B) The Amazon Rainforest is a crucial part of the global ecosystem but is threatened by deforestation.
C) Efforts to stop deforestation in the Amazon have been highly successful.
D) The Amazon Rainforest produces 20% of the world's oxygen and is not in danger.
Answer: B
5. The word "staggering" in the passage is closest in meaning to:
A) Small
B) Surprising
C) Confusing
D) Dull
Answer: B

Listening Comprehension

Narrator: You will hear a conversation between two university students, John and Sarah, discussing their upcoming group project.
John: Hey Sarah, have you had a chance to look over the project guidelines for our group assignment?
Sarah: Yeah, I just read through them. It looks like we have to do a lot of research for this one.
John: I know! I’m a bit worried about the timeline. The professor wants the whole project finished in just two weeks.
Sarah: Two weeks? That’s going to be tough, especially with all the other assignments we have. Do you think we should split the tasks to save time?
John: That’s a good idea. We could divide the research, and then each of us can write a section of the report.
Sarah: Sounds good to me. I’ll start by looking up the information on the economic factors, and you can handle the environmental aspects.
John: Deal. We should also meet regularly to make sure we’re on the same page.
Sarah: Agreed. How about we meet every three days to review our progress?
John: That works for me. Let’s meet in the library on Wednesday, then.
Sarah: Great, see you on Wednesday!
1. What are the students mainly discussing?
A) A final exam
B) A group project
C) An upcoming presentation
D) A research paper
Jawaban: B
2. Why is John worried about the project?
A) He is unfamiliar with the topic.
B) He has a lot of other work to do.
C) The project is due in a short amount of time.
D) He doesn't have a partner for the project.
Jawaban: C
3. How do the students plan to divide the work?
A) They will each write a full draft of the report.
B) John will handle research, and Sarah will write the report.
C) They will each research different aspects and write separate sections.
D) They will both focus on the same sections to save time.
Jawaban: C
4. How often do the students plan to meet to discuss their progress?
A) Every day
B) Every three days
C) Once a week
D) Twice a week
Jawaban: B
5. Where do they plan to meet on Wednesday?
A) In the library
B) In the cafeteria
C) At Sarah’s apartment
D) In the professor's office

Structure and Written Expression

1. I enjoy ____ to the movies with my boyfriend.
A) go
B) to going
C) going
D) goes
Jawaban: C
2. If he ____ harder, she would have passed the exam.
A) studies
B) had studied
C) studying
D) study
Jawaban: B
3. The book ___ on the table belongs to my friend.
A) lying
B) lays
C) lie
D) lay
Jawaban: A
4. He insisted ___ to the meeting even though she was sick.
A) to go
B) going
C) went
D) on going
Jawaban: D
5. If I ___ you, I wouldn't worry so much.
A) am
B) was
C) were
D) be
Jawaban: C


1. The word "elaborate" most nearly means:
A) Simple
B) Complicated
C) Brief
D) Common
Jawaban: B
2. In the sentence, "The new policy has sparked a lot of debate among the employees," the word "sparked" most likely means:
A) Caused
B) Ignored
C) Reduced
D) Prevented
Jawaban: A
3. The word "benevolent" most nearly means:
A) Hostile
B) Kind
C) Lazy
D) Greedy
Jawaban: B
4. The word "obscure" in the sentence means:
A) Clear
B) Unknown
C) Famous
D) Obvious
Jawaban: B
5. The meaning of the word "elated" is closest to:
A) Angry
B) Sad
C) Joyful
D) Confused
Jawaban: C


1. The committee ___ the proposal next week.
A) will consider
B) considers
C) has considered
D) is considered
Jawaban: A
2. The team ___ by the time you get there.
A) had left
B) will have left
C) is leaving
D) will leave
Jawaban: B
3. She ___ the book before the meeting started.
A) had finished
B) finishes
C) finished
D) has finished
Jawaban: A
4. If I ___ time, I would have helped you.
A) had
B) had had
C) have
D) having
Jawaban: B
5. They ___ here since last night.
A) have been
B) are
C) were
D) be
Jawaban: A
Contoh soal TOEFL tersebut mencakup beberapa jenis pertanyaan yang umum di TOEFL, termasuk pemahaman bacaan, pemahaman mendengar, tata bahasa, kosa kata, dan identifikasi kesalahan.(ddc)