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Video : British woman who slapped immigration has been tortured?
21 Februari 2019 8:14 WIB
Diperbarui 21 Maret 2019 0:03 WIB
DENPASAR, kanalbali.com – The Badung Prosecutor on Wednesday has denied torture allegation from Auj E Taqaddas, a British woman who has been sentenced to 6 months for slapping Indonesian Immigration officer.
"We never torture her. Yes, it is true that she has bruise, but it was not because of torture. It was the consequense of our attempt to control her," said intelligence section head of Badung Prosecutor Office, Waher Tarihoran on Wednesday (20/2).
A video taken at immigration detention center in Jimbaran, on Feb 6, after the court sentenced her to 6 months imprisonment for assaulting immigration officer at the airport last year, has showed how she threw another tantrum. She destroyed everything inside the room that she should be staying. The immigration and prosecutor team force to move her to other room with more limited facility.
Through her twitter account [email protected] , Taqaddas have tweet some photo that shows her bruises, saying that she was tortured. "Pls see torture carried out by corrupt prosecutor Triarta and his two men on 7th Feb 2019," she tweeted on Feb 8.