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Meet Taemin, The Dance God of SHINee

Indonesia SHINee World Fanbase | Inquiry: [email protected] | Instagram & Twitter @minhoshineeina
24 Mei 2018 14:16 WIB
Diperbarui 14 Maret 2019 21:08 WIB
Tulisan dari minhoshineeina tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Meet Taemin, The Dance God of SHINee
K-Pop idols been known for their long training period with numerous classes of dance, sing, acting and a whole set of entertainment skills. One of the stars is Taemin from SHINee.
The now-24-years old fine man, is famous of his dancing skill since he was debuted as SHINee's maknae in 2008. The 'dance God' label is not too much to be given, as he is indeed having such a high skill of his dance.
During his debut era, Taemin is known for his locking dance style. His amazing dance skill lead him to the 'dancing machine' tittle and his name ALWAYS (i repeat, ALWAYS), mentioned as one of the best K-Pop dancers.
Fans who grow with SHINee might witnesses Taemin's career growing from the bottom to the top. He's now known for his sharp and masculine choreography, but he's also able to put a hint of flawless yet strong choreography.
You may want to see his latest single, 'Move' to prove those theories.
His performance is always mesmerized the audience, and fans (more often than not) are struggling to survive every time they're watching the idol perform on the stage.
Not only dance, through his 10 years career as K-Pop idols, he develop and polishing his singing skill. And as the result, Taemin has released three EP (ACE - 2014 debut album), (Sayonara Hitori - 2016 Japan album), (Flame of Love 2017), and two full album ( Press It - 2016), (Move and a repackaged album Move-ing - 2017).
With a decade of career and achievement, the 'Taemin sunbae-nim' (senior) title is of course fit well with the idol who had his first SM's audition at the age of 11.
"Well, at that age I didn’t really know what it meant to be an “idol”. I just liked to dance and sing. The people around me told me that the best way to go about it would be to join the largest and most powerful artist agency. At that time I had no other thoughts, I think I found an occupation that fits me really well, from a young age." -- Dazed Digital 2015--
Taemin is proving his love and passion over the stage with a long list of achievements which is not easy to get and to maintain. He also manage to held two solo concerts. 'Taemin The 1st Stage Nippon Budokan' (2017) is his first solo concert which attracted 28.000 fans gathered at Budokan Arena, in Tokyo. And his second solo concert was 'Off-Sick' (2017) which was held in Olympic Hall, Seoul.
With such a great achivement, little did we know, Taemin confessed he was not ready to debut at the young age back then.
"To be honest, I wanted to debut a little later. At that time I didn’t think I was ready yet. But I debuted, and I learned so much from it. The things that I didn’t learn as a trainee I had to deal with straight up, as a kid, which I think helped me to learn quicker than others. Most importantly, the things I needed to do were presented right in front of me every day, so it gave me a lot of opportunities to really develop myself," he said.
The idol who was once called 'the tone deaf' is now proving, through his work hard, skills and passion, he breakthrough all the doubt people put upon him.
The fandom pride is going to show you more of his ability in the future, so be ready for the Dance God to bless your soul with his amazing performances.