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2 Contoh Cerita Liburan Di Rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat 2 Paragraf
4 Januari 2025 16:22 WIB
waktu baca 2 menitTulisan dari Ragam Info tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

Setelah libur panjang, para siswa biasanya akan diberi tugas untuk menceritakan momen liburannya. Terutama pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang akan memberi tugas cerita liburan dirumah dalam bahasa Inggris singkat 2 paragraf.
Dikutip dari buku Ayo Menulis Cerpen Panduan Praktis Menulis Cerita Pendek Bagi Pelajar oleh Sri Dewita, S.Pd (2024:2) cerita adalah karangan yang menurutkan perbuatan, pengalaman, atau penderitaan orang, kejadian, dan sebagainya. Selain itu, cerita juga menjelaskan bagaimana terjadinya suatu hal.
Cerita Liburan Di Rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat 2 Paragraf
Menulis cerita liburan dirumah dalam bahasa Inggris singkat 2 paragraf dapat menjadi sarana untuk mengembangkan kemampuan siswa. Banyak referensi cerita yang dapat ditulis untuk mengerjakan tugas tersebut. Berikut contohnya.
1. Holiday Vacationing Abroad
During the holidays, my family and I went abroad for a trip. My father and mother said that the country we visited was not far from Indonesia. My mother said that at that time I was in Kuala Lumpur City.
The first day I only went with my family to eat together on the side of the road. On another day I walked around to buy souvenirs and visit several tourist attractions there. I was very happy. The next day, my father had to go home first and I took him to the airport. Too bad my father was only with us for two days abroad.
2. Holiday With My Family
During the long-awaited school holidays, I decided to spend time with my family. After a busy year with work and school activities, I felt that vacation was the perfect time to strengthen family relationships. On the first day of vacation, my family and I went to the beach. We played in the sand, swam in the ocean, and enjoyed the sun together.
Next, my family decided to go camping. We set up a tent in the middle of the forest and cooked food over a campfire. At the end of the vacation, my family and I spent some relaxing time at home. We watched our favorite movies, read books together, and played board games. I felt the presence and love of my family more strongly than ever before.
Demikianlah beberapa contoh cerita liburan dirumah dalam bahasa Inggris singkat 2 paragraf yang dapat dijadikan referensi. Semoga membantu! (NUM)