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2 Contoh Makalah Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Referensi yang Dapat Digunakan
29 Juli 2023 11:10 WIB
waktu baca 4 menitTulisan dari Ragam Info tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan
Menurut buku Menulis Makalah, Rangkuman dan Buku, Iqbal Wildan Alivi Triwandana (2022:5), makalah adalah salah satu jenis karya tulis ilmiah yang membahas satu permasalahan tertentu sebagai hasil kajian pustaka ataupun kajian lapangan.
Rekomendasi Contoh Makalah Bahasa Inggris
Bagi beberapa orang, menulis makalah dalam bahasa Inggris mungkin menimbulkan tantangan tersendiri.
Dalam ulasan ini, akan disajikan dua contoh makalah bahasa Inggris sebagai referensi yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu memahami struktur, gaya, dan bahasa yang tepat. Berikut contoh yang dapat dicermati.
1. Contoh Makalah Pendidikan
A. Background of the Problem
Efforts to improve the quality of education are carried out by setting goals and standards of educational competence. In relation to education, competence refers to actions that are rational to achieve a goal in accordance with the expected conditions.
This competence (ability) is obtained through a process of education or training. One of the factors that most determine the success of the teaching and learning process is the teacher.
A teacher needs to have the ability to organize ideas that are developed among students so that they can move their passion and enthusiasm for learning.
B. Problem Formulation
Starting from the background of the above description, the problems that can be formulated are as follows: How are professional teachers in improving student achievement?
C. Purpose of Writing
The research objectives are: To find out professional teachers in improving student achievement.
D. Benefits of Writing
This writing has several research uses for the author, including:
2. Contoh Makalah Bahasa Inggris
A. Background
Language is a tool that is very important for daily life and one of support in communicating, especially English as one of the most important international languages.
Because it is, the author will discuss one part of the English language are: "If Conditional". Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses.
They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. Conditional Sentences are sentences used to express supposition of an event that has not happened, or even impossible.
Conditionals have several forms that represent different forms of time, in other words, the form of conditional sentence will depend on the assumed form of the event. Here are a few patterns of Conditional Sentences.
Conditional sentences to express predictable fact in the future or untrue event in the present and in the past, conditional sentences to express predictable fact in the future or untrue event in the present and in the past.
Conditional sentence have three type:
B. Formulation Of The Problem
In this paper we will address issues about the conditional sentence, as for the formulation of the problem to be discussed in this paper are:
C. Purpose
The purpose of this paper is to be made:
Dalam menulis makalah, setiap orang dapat mengembangkan gaya dan pandangannya sendiri, dengan standar dan struktur yang tepat.
Menggunakan contoh makalah bahasa Inggris sebagai panduan yang dapat membantu menghindari kesalahan umum dan menyampaikan informasi dengan jelas dan efektif. Silakan dicoba!(VAN)