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2 Contoh Teks Cerita Liburan Bahasa Inggris yang Singkat

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3 April 2024 16:43 WIB
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Ilustrasi contoh teks cerita liburan bahasa Inggris. Sumber foto: Unplash/Olga Tutunaru
Ilustrasi contoh teks cerita liburan bahasa Inggris. Sumber foto: Unplash/Olga Tutunaru
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Teks cerita liburan bahasa Inggris sering ditugaskan oleh guru kepada para siswanya. Akan tetapi, masih ada beberapa siswa yang merasa kebingungan dalam merangkai cerita agar menarik untuk dibaca.
Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan saat liburan dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk membuat teks cerita liburan yang menarik. Agar cerita yang dibuat menarik perhatian guru maupun teman-temannya, orang tersebut hanya perlu merangkai cerita dengan alur yang jelas dan menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami serta tidak berbelit-belit kalimatnya.

Contoh Teks Cerita Liburan Bahasa Inggris

Ilustrasi contoh teks cerita liburan bahasa Inggris. Sumber foto: Unplash/Alexandra Fuller
Liburan adalah suatu masa di mana setiap orang bebas dari pekerjaan sehingga dapat mengisi waktunya untuk berbagai kegiatan yang menyenangkan dan menyegarkan pikiran.
Umumnya, kegiatan liburan sering dijadikan sebagai tugas untuk membuat karangan cerita. Dalam bahasa Inggris sendiri, cerita liburan ditulis menggunakan simple past tense.
Hal ini dikarenakan teks tersebut menceritakan ulang kejadian di masa lalu. Mengutip dari buku New Edition Big Book Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII, VIII & IX oleh Yuniar Bestiana, dkk.(2017:299-301), inilah beberapa contoh teks cerita liburan bahasa Inggris bisa dipahami sebagai berikut ini.


Last Holiday, my family and I had picnic. We went to Sanur beach. We left by car at four in the afternoon. My father drove his car carefully. We arrived at Sanur at six in the evening. Then we went to a motel located near the beach. We spent the night there. It was small but beautiful. The pricer is also reasonable too.
In the morning, I woke up early. My sister did too. We ran away to the beach together. We want to enjoy the sunrise. We walked along the beach. The weather is cool. I put my sandals off to enjoy the sand on my feet. A few moments later, our parents joined us. There were some people sat at the beach to do the some things enjoy the sunrise.
An hour later, we went back to our motel and had breakfast. After that, father took his fishing rod. He wanted to fish. Me and my sister prepared our swimsuit. We want to swim. We spend the whole day in the beach. We had lunch there. It was really fun. In the evening we went back to our house.
It was really nice holiday. We did our usual activities the following day.


Yesterday, my family and I want to the zoo, to see the elephants and other animals. We went by car and left home at 7 a.m. It look about one and half hours to get to the zoo.
When we got to the zoo, we went directly to the pet shop to buy some animal food. We spent fifteen thousand rupiahs on the food. After getting the food, we first visited the nocturnal house where birds and reptiles, which only come out at night were displayed. It was really interesting. After that we went for a ride on a elephant. It was a thrill! My dad nearly feel of when he let go of the rope.
At 12.15 p.m. my mom and my sister prepared the lunch. We ate overlands under a big tree near the elephant area. After lunch, we went to the bird park. We fed some of birds inside the park. Then, we returned home we were tired but happy because we had so much fun.
Itulah beberapa contoh teks cerita liburan bahasa Inggris yang singkat. Adapun contoh di atas dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi untuk membuat karangan cerita yang menarik. (NTA)