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Contoh Narrative Text Panjang dalam Bahasa Inggris
21 November 2023 17:54 WIB
waktu baca 3 menitTulisan dari Ragam Info tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan

Salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan minat baca anak adalah dengan rajin membacakan teks narasi atau narrative text. Contoh narrative text panjang yang sering dijumpai, antara lain dongeng, fabel, cerita rakyat, dan lain sebagainya.
Pengertian narrative text sendiri yaitu jenis teks cerita imajinatif, yang cerita atau rangkaian peristiwanya diceritakan secara runtut dengan urutan awal, tengah, dan akhir, sesuai dengan kronologinya.
Ciri-Ciri Narrative Text
Narrative text memiliki tata bahasa yang berbeda dengan jenis teks lainnya. Menurut buku Texts & Tenses, Argi Noor Hidayat, (2015: 13), ciri-ciri kebahasaan narrative text dalam Bahasa Inggris, antara lain sebagai berikut:
Contoh Narrative Text Panjang
Di bawah ini adalah contoh narrative text panjang yang berjudul “Legend of Mount Bromo and the Tengger Tribe”.
Legend of Mount Bromo and the Tengger Tribe
A long time ago, there lived a beautiful woman by the name Roro Anteng. She was a foreknown beauty and had attracted attention of an evil Giant.
Because the evil Giant possessed extraordinary magical powers, Roro Anteng dared not reject The Giant's advances when he proposed to her.
Roro thought of a plan to get away from the marriage without offending the Giant. In order to get her hand in marriage, The Giant had to fulfill her wishes.
Roro then concocted a difficult request in hopes that the Giant did not have the power to fulfill it. She had asked him to make her a sandy desert in between the mountains in one night and before the break of dawn.
Unfortunately for her, The Giant magically and swiftly begin to work his powers and was near completing her wishes. The fast thinking Roro Anteng quickly thought of an idea to disrupt the completion.
She made all sorts of noises that woke up the roosters. The roosters began to crow bringing dawn in.
On hearing the rooster's calls, which signalled the break of dawn, The Giant was shocked for having failed his task. Frustrated, he threw the coconut shell that he used to dig the desert.
The shell fell to the ground beside Mount Bromo, forming what is now known as Mount Batok (coconut shell). The sandy plain was to form the Tengger caldera.
The story continues with Roro Anteng falling in love with Joko Seger, a descendant of the great Majapahit Kingdom who had led a reclusive life on the desolate mountain range.
They were married, living happily blessed with many children. Their children and their descendents formed the tribal community of the Tengger (taken from the names 'Roro Anteng' and 'Joko Seger').
Demikianlah contoh narrative text panjang dalam Bahasa Inggris, yang mengisahkan tentang legenda Gunung Bromo dan Suku Tengger. Semoga cerita ini dapat menghibur para pembaca. (ARN)